Friday 15 June 2012

Tutorial 1

Multimedia: Making It Works (8th Edition)

Question 1

Briefly discuss the history and future of multimedia. How might multimedia be used to improve the lives of its users? How might it influence users in negative ways? What might be its shortcomings?

Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video or interactive content forms.

History of Multimedia

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Reading material from Wikipedia

- The term "multimedia" was coined by Bob Goldstein, to promote the July 1966 opening of his "LightWorks at L'Oursin" show at Southanpton, Long Island.

-August 10, 1966, Richard Albarino of Variety borrowed the terminology, reporting: “Brainchild of songscribe-comic Bob (‘Washinton Square’) Goldstein, the ‘Lightworks’ is the latest multi-media music-cum-visuals to debut as discothèque fare.” Two years later, in 1968, the term “multimedia” was re-appropriated to describe the work of a political consultant, David Sawyer, the husband of Iris Sawyer—one of Goldstein’s producers at L’Oursin.

- the usage of the term multimedia refers to an electrically delivered combination of media including video still image, audio, text that is interactive.

Future of Multimedia

The future of multimedia is getting more important day by day. Multimedia can be beneficial in many field such as marketing,education, communication, businesses, entertainment, and many more. Today multimedia have involve drastically from hardware, software, devices ans even tools to create multimedia are getting more and more user friendly so that users can use it at ease.
Entertainment companies that own content easily converted to multimedia projects are teaming up with cable TV companies. Film studios are creating new divisions to produce interactive multimedia and wealthy talents have formed new companies to join in on the action. Company that creates games and simulation can benefit from the advancement of multimedia too.   Flash application to create animation so that presentation can be more interesting. Even without a clear business model with known profits, large media corporations are uniting to create huge conglomerates to control the content and delivery of tomorrow’s information. Multimedia is able to drive inevitable evolution and changes in the global communication. One can just use multimedia applications for presentations, talk, workshop and others. In education, multimedia is very important to make and help students to understand better and also stimulate their interest in studying. it is also beneficial to companies who have training and others field as well such as marketing, advertising, product demos, databases, catalogs, entertainment, and networked communications. The video above is how multimedia is important for machicinima,

Even though Multimedia is able to influence a lot positive and good things but multimedia also have it's negative sides. Multimedia can sometimes sent the wrong information and could sometimes tarnish or destroy a person or a company name. Besides that, crime can conducted via multimedia. For example, blackmailing a person by recording a video, editing photo of a person. Identity theft can occur when involve in communication and socializing in social website

Moreover the shortcomings of multimedia is that multimedia is often misused by many unmoral people to gain something. False news can some times travel very fast by video or other resources that are made up just to make someone, organization looked bad. The rules and law are still having a hard time tracking down these ill intention people as multimedia make things a little hard to keep track as the world has become borderless.

In conclusion, multimedia have a very bight future ahead since there is so many thing to be created and also discover especially in the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality section which is still quite new.

Question 3

Multimedia is shifting from being localized (contained on a CD-ROM) to being distributed (available
on the World Wide Web). What are some of the implications of this? Who will have access to the
presentation? How will you keep it secure? How will you distribute it?

Multimedia projects often require a large amount of digital memory hence they are often stored on
CD-ROM or DVDs. Multimedia also includes web pages in HTML or DHTML (XML) on the World Wide Web, and can include rich media created by various tools using plug-ins. Web sites with rich media require large amounts of bandwidth. The promise of multimedia has spawned numerous mergers, expansions, and other ventures.These include hardware, software, content, and delivery services. The future of multimedia will include highbandwidth access to a wide array of multimedia resources and learning materials. To secure it, set privacy password so that limited people can access. It can also be distributed on the web with downloadable contents

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